情熱から職業へ :ノン・ネイティブ英語教師としての旅ー(4/6)
From Passion to Profession: Embracing the Journey as a Non-Native English Teacher (4/6)
3. Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity
Language and culture are inherently intertwined, shaping how people communicate, perceive the world, and express their values. As non-native English teachers, our role goes beyond teaching grammar and vocabulary—we serve as cultural mediators, bridging the gap between the language and its cultural context. By bringing our unique cultural perspectives into the classroom, we enrich the learning experience and provide students with a more holistic understanding of the language.
Creating an environment where students feel comfortable discussing cultural differences is essential. Encouraging open dialogue fosters respect and appreciation for diverse perspectives, helping students recognize that language is more than a set of rules—it’s a reflection of cultural identity, history, and worldview. For instance, words and expressions often encapsulate cultural values and traditions passed down from one generation to the next. A language with multiple words to describe different types of snow, for example, reveals a culture’s deep connection to its environment and lifestyle.
In my own classes, I often draw on my personal experiences navigating American, British, and Russian cultures to illustrate the subtleties of English usage. Understanding how various societies perceive concepts like politeness, directness, or formality can significantly influence how we approach teaching key language functions such as making requests, giving compliments, or expressing disagreement.
For example, in Russian culture, directness is often valued, and requests may be expressed more bluntly than in English-speaking cultures, where indirectness and the use of softeners (e.g., “Would you mind…?” or “Could you possible…?”) are considered more polite. Similarly, the way compliments are received differs widely: in some cultures, it’s customary to modestly deflect praise, while in others, accepting it graciously is the norm. By incorporating these cultural insights into lessons, I help students understand not just what to say, but how to say it in a manner that aligns with cultural expectations.
These cultural nuances make our lessons more meaningful and contextual. When students grasp the cultural underpinnings of the language, they develop a deeper understanding of why certain expressions or speech patterns are used in specific situations. For instance, the concept of “small talk” in English-speaking cultures, such as asking about the weather or weekend plans, may seem trivial to some learners but is actually a fundamental social skill that helps build rapport and ease into more serious conversations. Explaining these subtleties allows students to navigate social interactions more effectively and communicate in a culturally appropriate way.
Ultimately, teaching language means teaching culture. Language is embedded in cultural practices—rituals, ceremonies, and storytelling—that shape how people express themselves and relate to others. As non-native teachers, our diverse backgrounds and experiences enable us to offer a richer, more comprehensive view of English as a global language, making our classrooms spaces where language and culture intersect, enhancing both language proficiency and intercultural competence.
情熱から職業へ:ノン・ネイティブ英語教師としての旅 (4/6)
3. 文化的理解と感受性
例えば、ロシア文化では直接的な表現が重んじられることが多く、英語圏の文化に比べ、依頼はより単刀直入に表現されることがあります。英語圏では、間接的な表現や、緩和表現(”Would you mind…? “や “Could you possible…? “など)がより礼儀正しいとされています。 同様に、褒め言葉の受け取り方も大きく異なりますね。ある文化圏では、謙虚に称賛をかわすことが慣習である一方、他の文化では、喜んで受け入れることが一般的です。 このような文化的洞察を授業に取り入れることで、学生が何を言うべきかだけでなく、文化的な期待に沿うような言い方を理解できるようになるのです。
このような文化的なニュアンスが、私たちの授業をより意味深く、文脈に即したものにしているのです。学生は、言語の文化的背景を理解することで、特定の状況下で特定の表現や話し方が使われる理由をより深く理解するようになります。例えば、英語圏の文化における「small talk スモールトーク」の概念、すなわち天気や週末の予定について尋ねることは、学習者によっては些細なことに思えるかもしれませんが、実際には、親密な関係を築き、より真剣な会話に入りやすくするための基本的な社会的スキルです。このような微妙な違いを説明することで、学生は社会的な交流をより効果的にこなし、文化的に適切な方法でコミュニケーションをとることができるようになります。
結局のところ、言語を教えるということは文化を教えるということでもあります。 言語は、儀式、儀礼、語りといった文化的慣習の中に組み込まれており、それが人々の自己表現や他者との関わり方を形作っているのです。 ノン・ネイティブ教師である私たちの多様な背景や経験は、グローバル言語としての英語について、より豊かで包括的な見解を提供することを可能にし、教室を言語と文化が交差する空間とすることで、言語能力と異文化間能力の両方を高めることができるのです。
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