情熱から職業へ :ノン・ネイティブ英語教師としての旅ー(2/6)
From Passion to Profession: Embracing the Journey as a Non-Native English Teacher (2/6)
1. High Proficiency in English
Mastering English is, of course, the most fundamental requirement for non-native teachers. However, it entails much more than simply being able to speak fluently—it demands a deep, nuanced understanding of the language. Non-native teachers must navigate complex grammar structures, maintain an extensive and versatile vocabulary, and master idiomatic expressions to be both credible and effective in the classroom. Achieving this level of proficiency is not a one-time milestone but an ongoing journey of continuous learning and refinement.
Language is always evolving, and we must stay abreast of new trends, slang, and expressions. We need to remain curious, proactive, and never shy about seeking clarification from native speakers. If you come across a different accent or hear an unfamiliar phrase, embrace it! Don’t hesitate to ask questions like “How is this expression used?” or “In what context would this word be appropriate?” Being open to such discoveries enriches our language skills and enhances our understanding of the subtle intricacies that make English unique.
For me, English has always been a language of precision and clarity. Unlike Russian, which often allows for more elaborate and expressive communication, English is direct and concise, focusing on delivering messages succinctly. This difference captivated me from the start and motivated me to hone my English skills to the highest standard. The process of mastering English even influenced my communication style—making me more businesslike, structured, and punctual in my approach.
To this day, I continually work to refine my language proficiency. I dedicate time daily to extensive reading, often choosing to read aloud to fine-tune my pronunciation. This method not only helps me improve my speaking skills, but it also reinforces new vocabulary as I see, hear, and articulate the words simultaneously. In addition, I actively engage in professional development courses—Coursera, for example, is my go-to platform—and immerse myself in authentic English content, whether through conversations with native speakers, watching movies, or exploring resources online.
情熱から職業へ:ノン・ネイティブ英語教師としての旅 (2/6)
1. 英語力向上への継続的な取り組み
今日に至るまで、私は自らの語学力に磨きをかける努力を続けています。毎日多読に時間を費やし、発音を磨くために声に出して読むことをよくしています。この方法は、スピーキングスキルを向上させるだけでなく、読む・聴く・声に出す を一遍に行うことで、語彙力を強化することができるのです。さらに、Coursera(コ―セラ)といったオンライン学習プラットフォームを活用し、ネイティブ・スピーカーとの会話や映画鑑賞、オンライン資料の検索などを通じで実践的な英語コンテンツに没頭しています。
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