情熱から職業へ :ノン・ネイティブ英語教師としての旅ー(1/6)
From Passion to Profession: Embracing the Journey as a Non-Native English Teacher (1/6)
I discovered my love for languages when I was 12 years old. It all started with a small, seemingly insignificant moment—I turned on a radio and began to explore the different frequencies, catching snippets of various foreign broadcasts. One particular program caught my attention: the words sounded so foreign compared to my native language, Russian. This was around the time I had just begun learning English at school and had only memorized a handful of words. Yet, this unfamiliar program sparked something deep within me. It became a game—how could I express the same thoughts in a completely different language? It felt like unlocking a secret code, like a puzzle begging to be solved.
I remember that first experience vividly. Listening to the radio was like being a spy, piecing together a mystery. I would listen intently, catching the rhythm and intonation of the words, and trying to connect the familiar-sounding ones with those I had learned at school. My curiosity was insatiable; I wanted to crack the code and play this “spy game” where mastering a new language was the ultimate prize.
This initial spark of curiosity soon turned into a passion. I started watching American movies, becoming captivated by the vibrant lifestyles that contrasted sharply with those in the Soviet Union. I was fascinated by the way people spoke, how their homes looked, the food they ate, and the very essence of their lives, which seemed worlds apart from my own. For me, learning English was never just about grammar rules or vocabulary—it was about understanding and experiencing a new way of thinking and living.
My passion for languages grew stronger through my early interactions with teachers who brought the language to life. My first English tutor, who had worked in Vietnam, inspired me greatly. It amazed me that English could serve as a bridge for her to communicate with people from different cultures. Then there was another teacher who was part of the Kalinka Society, which facilitated exchanges between our town and a sister city in the United States. We often hosted American delegations of teachers and students, and these interactions fueled my desire to master English even more.
From then on, I delved deeper into language learning, picking up German and Latin, and later Spanish and French. I remember the thrill of making German friends and chatting with them on the phone—every call was an event, a small victory in my language-learning journey. My obsession with mastering English grew; I would spend hours doing grammar exercises, practicing my pronunciation, and trying to emulate native speakers. After all, a good “spy” should be able to conceal their true identity, including any trace of an accent! This playful challenge became the foundation of a lifelong passion for English.
But how does one transform such a passion into a profession as a non-native English teacher? The journey is not without its challenges. It requires persistence, dedication, and a unique blend of skills that go beyond merely being proficient in the language. Non-native English teachers often face misconceptions and biases, which can make the path seem daunting. But these obstacles also present an opportunity to redefine what it means to be an effective teacher. In this article, I want to share my experience and insights into what I believe it takes to become a successful non-native English teacher, and how we can turn our unique backgrounds into a source of strength and inspiration for our students.
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