
Multilingual Competency in English Teaching(2/2)


(1) 英語教育における多言語能力の重要性 から続く。

Multilingual Competency in English Teaching, by Andrew Lynch (2/2)

Tove Skutnabb-Kangas (2000) builds upon Phillipson’s work by arguing that a monolingual teacher is “by definition incompetent to teach EFL”. She notes that while exposure to native output does provide a benefit to some areas, the ability to analyze and express differences between the local and target languages is more important. She also emphasizes cultural knowledge of the learners as being key to successful multilingual competence. This is not to say that all teachers should be non-native residents of the country where the study is taking place – but that the teacher experiencing language learning success and being immersed and experienced in the local culture can provide tangible benefits to students.

The key takeaways from these viewpoints can be summarized in a few simple sentences.

  • Language learning experiences (especially language learning success) can be of great benefit in teaching. These experiences help teachers to understand where their students struggle and can also act as a motivational example.
  • Being a native speaker is of, at best, peripheral importance to teaching competency and should not be a major factor in hiring decisions.
  • Awareness and understanding of the local culture and language can be of great benefit to the ESL teacher.

3. Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (2000). Linguistic human rights and teachers of English. In J. Hall, W. Eggington (Eds.), The Sociopolitics of English language teaching (pp. 22-44). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.

Note: Article 3 above can be accessed for free online through the author’s website:

英語教育における多言語能力の重要性 ― (2/2)

Tove Skutnabb-Kangasは、Phillipsonの研究を基に、英語を母国語とするモノリンガルの教師は、「定義上、英語を外国語として教えるのに不適格である」と主張しています。




  • 言語学習の経験(特に成功体験)は、教育において大きな利益をもたらす。このような経験は、生徒がどこで苦労しているかを理解するのに役立ち、またモチベーションを高める手本としても機能する。
  • ネイティヴ・スピーカーであることは、教える能力の評価において、あまり大きな意味を持たず、採用決定における主要な要素となるべきではない。
  • 地域文化や言語に対する認識と理解は、ESL教師にとって大きな力となる。

3. Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (2000). Linguistic human rights and teachers of English. In J. Hall, W. Eggington (Eds.), The Sociopolitics of English language teaching (pp. 22-44). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.


(1) 英語教育における多言語能力の重要性こちら

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