
How English education in Japan has changed.(2)


How English education in Japan has changed.(2)

I have been thinking about the role English has played in daily life in recent years. In addition to the compulsory courses they took in Primary and Secondary education, more and more students continue to study English in higher education or even by going abroad. Of course, one reason for this is Japan’s continued presence on the international business scene. Some major Japanese firms, such as Honda and Rakuten, have committed to making English their official language. Similarly, Japanese academics need English to collaborate with colleagues from other countries and stay updated on the latest developments. Outside of work and study, Japanese people are also beginning to realize English proficiency can significantly enhance their travels. Instead of visiting only places catering to Japanese tourists, they can now get off the beaten path. Slowly but surely, Japanese people have begun to realize English is not limited to a select few people, but is necessary to thrive in an increasingly interconnected and globalized world. This is something we need to be aware of as teachers.

Teaching English as a Second Language comes with its fair share of challenges, but with determination and creativity, educators can overcome these obstacles and create meaningful learning experiences for their students. I try to respond flexibly to the goals of the students. I strive to create an environment in which students have a broad perspective and can learn in a fun atmosphere and want the students to have a memorable time learning English.

概要> 日本での23年間の英語教育の旅

